As runners most of us had or have an injury. I don’t know about you but the thought of not being able to go for a run can really bum me out.
Sometimes we trip and get injured that way. Or, perhaps you were doing something not even running related but hurt yourself. Whatever it was, you’re injured.
However, most running injuries are from overuse, repetitive use or poor biomechanics.
Did you know that most injuries can be avoided? It’s true!
You know what’s coming next ….. yep- strength training, warmups, and foam rolling/mobility work.
When I was new to running I didn’t know the importance of those three things. But let me tell you- I know now!! My first injury was IT band issues! Foam rolling helped. Then I strength trained to get other muscles to “carry their weight” during my runs. As I got older I found that I needed to do non-running warm ups. So...Yeah, you might need to start doing that....
Remember the older cars that you had to let warmup a bit before you drove them? Or, those diesel semi’s that take forever to warmup? Well, as an older runner that’s what I need to do. I am definitely an old diesel ha ha! So before my runs I jump around. Foam roll a bit. Maybe a little Graston to wake up the muscles. Leg swings. Heel raises. Anything to get moving before I get moving!
So, as they say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Start yesterday!
If you don’t have time for the prevention you don’t have time for the run. Sorry (not sorry). Coach’s orders!
Now- do your prevention then go do your run and have some fun!